Archive of meeting presentations, from 2015 to present.

2024 Presentations

2022 Presentations

2021 Presentations

2020 Presentations

2019 Presentations

2018 Presentations

2017 Presentations

2016 Presentations

2015 Presentations

2014 Presentations

  • Village of Winnetka Coal Tar Sealer Ban. Saunders, Village of Winnetka. 12.10.2014
  • Reducing Urban Phosphorus Load: Identifying Sources and Evaluating Controls. Selbig, USGS – Wisconsin Water Science Center. 8.2.2014
  • Understanding Nutrient Removal: What should I do to get started? Kobylinski, Black & Veatch. 1.23.2014
  • Phosphorus Removal Study at Downers Grove Sanitary District. Wold, Baxter & Woodman; Menninga, DGSD. 1.23.2014
  • Chemical and Biological Phosphorus Removal Testing at MWRD-GC. Lai, Qin, Quintanilla, MWRD-GC. 1.23.2014

2013 Presentations

  • Presentation. East Branch DuPage River: 2011 Survey. Chris O. Yoder, MBI. 08.28.2013

2012 Presentations

  • Presentation. Role of Coal Tar-Based Sealants in the Source Apportionment of PAHs in Urban Stormwater Pond Sediments. Judy Crane, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 12.27.2012
  • Presentation. West Branch DuPage River: Smallmouth Bass Release. Steve Pescitelli, IDNR. 08.29.2012
  • Presentation. The Cost of Upgrading POTWs for Nutrient Removal. Pavel Hajda, Symbiont. 6.27.2012
  • Presentation. Liquids – A Success Story. Scott Weber, Village of Hanover Park. 4.25.2012
  • Presentation. Chloride Reduction Improvement Program. Dan Bounds, CDM Smith. 2.29.2012
  • Presentation. IPS In-Stream Habitat Improvement Reconnaissance Project(s) Update. Andy Selle, Inter-Fluve, Inc. 2.29.2012
  • Presentation. Development of Ammonia Mass-Balance Techniques: Web-based Load Duration Curve System. Lindsay Birt, Huff & Huff, Inc. 2.29.2012
  • Presentation. Development of Septic System Map for Targeted Sub-basin Project. Jennifer Clarke, IEPA. 2.29.2012
  • Presentation. What’s going on in our rivers. Stephen McCracken. Elmhurst 1.09.2012

2011 Presentations

  • Presentation. Salt Creek Basin Assessment 2010. Stephen McCracken. 12.07.2011
  • Presentation. Illinois EPA’s Approach to Nutrients. Jennifer Clarke, IEPA. 12.07.2011
  • Presentation. Watershed-Based NPDES Permitting. Robert Swanson, DuPage County Stormwater Management Division. 12.07.2011
  • Presentation. Stormwater Management Projects. John Murray & Joe Kratzer, MWRDGC. 10.26.2011
  • Presentation. Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealcoat, PAHs, and Environmental Health. Peter Van Metre, USGS. 10.26.2011
  • Presentation. Stormwater Hot Topics. Bob Newport. 6.29.2011
  • Presentation. PAHs and Parking Lots: A Field Study on PAHs Exported From Sealed and Unsealed Parking Lots at the UNH Stormwater Center. Alison W. Watts. 6.29.2011
  • Presentation. Calculating Optimal Widths for Riparian Buffer Zones. Stephen McCracken, 4.26.2011
  • Presentation. The DRSCW; A Local Watershed Approach for Salt Creek and the East and West Branches of the DuPage River. Lawrence Cox, DGSD, 03.10.2011 (IAWA Mini Conference)

2010 Presentations

  • Presentation. What are we learning about commonly used stormwater practices. Roger Bannerman, WDNR,12.08.2010
  • Presentation. Asian Carp Invasion of the Chicago Area Waterway system: What Does Science Tell Us. DR. Philip Willink 10.27.2010
  • Presentation. Churchill Woods Dam Removal Update.06.30.2010
  • Presentation. Street Sweeping as a Storm Water BMP 6.30.2010
  • Elgin Sweepers Performance Study. 6.30.2010

2008 Presentations

  • Bioassessment. West Branch DuPage River Initial Results
  • Presentation. TMDL Development. 2008 Annual Meeting
  • Presentation. Chloride Reduction Study Update. 2008 Annual Meeting
  • Presentation. DO Monitoring Study. 2008 Annual Meeting
  • Presentation. DO Feasibility Study. 2008 Annual Meeting
  • Presentation. Proposed 2008 Integrated Report.4.30.2008
  • Presentation. FPDDPC.Restoration on the West Branch DuPage River .4.30.2008
  • Presentation. Biological Report on the Upper DuPage and Salt Creek 2006-
  • Presentation. TMDL Development Update. 8.27.2008
  • Presentation. NPS Modeling Upper DuPage WS Plan Update. 8.28.2009
  • Presentation. Restorability and Priority Setting Project
  • Presentation. Groundwater and Chlorides
  • Presentation. Stormwater Legal Update
  • Presentation. Chloride Subcommittee Update
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The mission of the DRSCW is to bring together a diverse coalition of stakeholders to work together to preserve and enhance water quality and stream resource quality in the East Branch DuPage River, West Branch DuPage River, Salt Creek, and their tributaries.

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