POTW Special Conditions

The DRSCW has created a prioritized list of preliminary projects which it calculates will improve aquatic assemblages in a measurable and systemic manner. The projects selected were scored high priority by the prioritization system or ranked highly under DRSCW’s TMDL implementation plans.


Annual Reports

The DRSCW has created a prioritized list of preliminary projects which it calculates will improve aquatic assemblages in a measurable and systemic manner. The projects were selected by the DRSCW’s IPS (Identification and Prioritization System or IPS, see Appendix 1) tool or via the DRSCW’s TMDL implementation analyses (Appendices 2 & 3). The projects selected were scored high priority by the prioritization system or ranked highly under DRSCW’s TMDL implementation plans. In some instances, these delivered common priorities (Fullersburg Dam, Woods Dam, and chloride reduction).

Per EPA permit requirements an annual progress report of the special conditions projects must be filed by March 31 each year.  A single annual report is submitted on behalf of DRSCW permittees.  Following are links to the reports:


Contact Us

The mission of the DRSCW is to bring together a diverse coalition of stakeholders to work together to preserve and enhance water quality and stream resource quality in the East Branch DuPage River, West Branch DuPage River, Salt Creek, and their tributaries.

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