Graue Mill Dam and Fullersburg Woods Restoration

In 2007, the DRSCW began monitoring water quality and wildlife at Salt Creek. We found a decline of river health upstream of the Graue Mill dam. A few years later, the DRSCW began exploring options to improve river quality and help meet water quality standards required by the Clean Water Act.

Salt Creek, like all rivers and streams, needs to meet basic federal requirements for water quality. In 2007, the DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup (DRSCW) began monitoring water quality and wildlife at Salt Creek. We found a decline of river health upstream of the Graue Mill dam. A few years later, the DRSCW began exploring options to improve river quality and help meet water quality standards required by the Clean Water Act.  If no action is taken on modifying stream health to improve water quality, water treatment plants within the Salt Creek Watershed will be required to upgrade their systems, costing tax payers an estimated $180 million and runs the risk that the water quality will still not improve enough to meet required standards.

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The mission of the DRSCW is to bring together a diverse coalition of stakeholders to work together to preserve and enhance water quality and stream resource quality in the East Branch DuPage River, West Branch DuPage River, Salt Creek, and their tributaries.

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