The DRSCW is committed to producing comprehensive data sets for local watersheds in order to determine and resolve priority stressors to local aquatic systems. The organization seeks to implement targeted watershed activities that resolve priority water way problems efficiently and cost effectively.
This website report was constructed in part using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency funds under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act distributed through the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The findings and recommendations herein are not necessarily those of the funding Agencies.
New MS4 Permit Memorandum, Huff & Huff
Illinois EPA released a new MS4 Permit on February 10, 2016, effective March 1, 2016. Please see below the memorandum on the changes provided by Dr. Lindsay Birt and Jim Huff.
Bioassessment Report
Biological and Water Quality Studies of the East and West Branches of the DuPage River and the Salt Creek Watersheds.
Dissolved Oxygen
The DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup (DRSCW) launched the continuous dissolved oxygen (DO) monitoring network in 2006. The Workgroup retained a consulting engineering team led by HDR Consulting, Huff and Huff, Inc and Inter-Fluve, Inc. to conduct a study that identified ways to improve dissolved oxygen levels in Salt Creek and the East Branch of the DuPage River.
Chlorides and Winter Management
Welcome to the DRSCW Chlorides and Winter Management page. In 2004 chloride Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs, a pollutant budget for a waterway) were placed on several segments of the West Branch DuPage River, East Branch DuPage River and Salt Creek.
Non-Point Source
Surveys by the State of Illinois list the rivers in the upper DuPage and Salt Creek basins as failing to support the State’s aquatic life designated use.
Project Identification and Prioritization System
The DuPage River Salt Creek Work Group (DRSCWG) requested the development a framework for an active biological stressor prioritization system to support a quantitative decision-making process for developing restoration options for impaired reaches of streams and rivers in the DuPage and Salt Creek watersheds.
Nutrient Management
Watershed Plans
Adaptive Management Plan To Improve Aquatic Life And Implement TMDLs on the Lower Salt Creek Main Stem